
My Home Has Been Burglarized – Now What?

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Easing Through The Claims Process & Recovering Swiftly

We all have a unique connection with our homes as we have named this place our ultimate safe haven. Unfortunately, when you experience a burglary at your home, it is difficult to regain that sense of security in the comfort of your home. Since burglary continues to be an unfortunate possibility, it is extremely important that you know how to handle the claims process, but more importantly, how to avoid these occurrences in the first place.

How to Handle a Burglary Claim:

  • The first step is to file a police report so that they can conduct an investigation. Next, call your insurance agent to inform them of the incident.
  • The good news is that your homeowners insurance policy provides you with coverage for your personal belongings. However, there are often specific limitations so it is wise to discuss your policy in-depth with your agent to be properly covered.  For example, you may want to invest in scheduled personal property coverage ahead of time to safeguard certain valuables.
  • You will need to prepare a detailed list of exactly what was stolen in order to facilitate the claims process.
  • Be prepared to have the settlement reduced by the amount of your deductible.
  • Most importantly, remain in contact with your insurance agent as needed to keep the process moving and return to some sense of normalcy in a timely manner.

Preventative Measures:

  • You should never have valuables in plain sight from the outdoors that may tempt criminals. If they see your car keys sitting right next to the door, they will be tempted to make a quick break in to steal your car.
  • While you may be inclined to assume that shrubbery around your home is concealing and protecting your house, hindered visibility may actually entice criminals more. This is because they will have more opportunities to hide themselves from neighbors.
  • Alarm systems will not only alert neighbors and authorities, just having the alarm company’s sign in your yard might deter a burglar.
  • Most importantly, your home should always look occupied. Whether this means leaving your extra car in the driveway or setting a timer for lights to turn on once the sun sets, it is important that your home does not appear unoccupied.

Contact Central Insurance Agency in Austin for all of your Texas homeowners’ insurance needs. We will go above and beyond to provide you with the security you deserve in the comfort of your home.


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