
Summer Pest Control

Austin Pest Control

While you may find yourself enjoying the birds and the bees this summer, it is important to remember that other animals and insects enjoy the rise in temperatures as well. Common house pests become present during the warmer summer months because nesting conditions in the home become more welcoming than the hot outdoors. Stinkbugs, wasps, roaches, termites, and carpenter ants enjoy vacationing at your home during the summer. Take these helpful tips into consideration to eliminate and prevent house pests from invading your home:

  • Keep it dry – Your lawn, kitchen, attic, and other damp locations provide housing for some of the peskiest of pests. Leaky sinks and broken appliances leave damp areas in your home. Refrain from leaving plants in trays of standing water and keep your pets’ water bowls outdoors.
  • Seal the cracks – Stinkbugs, termites, and wasps are difficult to keep outside. Seal any cracks that may have worn out from the winter. If you have a firewood bin, keep it at least 5 feet from your home’s exterior to avoid termites from invading. Garden mulch should also be at least five feet from your home’s exterior.
  • Get an inspection – Rumor has it your neighbor has carpenter ants? Get your house inspected. The inspection fee is well worth avoiding having to move out of your home for an extermination. Annual inspections are your best bet at avoiding unwanted pests.
  • Do your research – Each pest leaves their own mark to let you know they’re moving in. If you see clusters of insect wings, you probably have termites. If you see piles of sawdust near the baseboards, you have carpenter ants. Large hives outside means you have a wasp family boarding.

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