
Austin X Games

Austin BMX

The X Games are coming to Austin from June 5th through the 8th. Although the games were started solely as an international competition to bring together the world’s best action sports athletes, it has evolved into much more. The Austin games now feature Nine Festival Villages, which is a new model that is set up to entertain all day and night.

The first of the nine villages is X Music, which will feature many well-known and local artists. Everyone from Kanye West, to Slightly Stoopid will perform live for all in attendance. There are many interactive tents, including the Garage which features go cart racing, and Ride and Track village, where participants can show off their moves on rented bikes and skateboards. The Playground is fun for all ages, with events such as hydra tag and different obstacle courses to compete against your friends to get bragging rights. Special to the Austin X Games is the Texas Ranch village, where visitors can experience a real saloon, mechanical bull, and local Austin food and vendors.

The festival is still centered on the talented action sports athletes. There are plenty of competitions to keep everyone entertained, including skateboarding, BMX, and Moto X. There is also a 4Wheels competition that includes rally cars and the premier of stadium super trucks. Each action sports category has many competitions within it, creating excitement all the way through.

Visitors to the games can choose from a variety of different tickets, from one day passes to trackside camping passes for all three days. An event ticket must be purchased to experience the event, with the option to upgrade for better views of the action.

Central Insurance Agency, located in Austin, Texas, would like to invite everyone to experience the fun and excitement of the Austin X Games. They would also love to help you find the perfect personal or business insurance to best fit your needs.

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