
Knowing When You Need Business Auto Insurance

Having auto insurance for your personal vehicles is a no-brainer. However, did you know that business insurance for your autos is equally, if not more, important? In the instance that the automobiles used in your business are not covered, this is a liability that could lead to the loss of your business assets. When determining the difference between personal and business auto insurance, here are some guidelines.

If your vehicle is registered under your business name, is driven mainly by employees, or is used solely for business purposes, that vehicle is a business auto. Therefore, you need to cover it with business or commercial insurance. On the other hand, if your automobile is partly used for business purposes, such as for limited business use, then your vehicle may fall in the personal category. Check with an insurance agency, such as Central Insurance Agency, to determine your specific coverage needs.

Now that you have better determined the difference between personal and business auto insurance, it is time to get proper business insurance coverage. Protect your property, business and employees today with auto insurance coverage that is available from the insurance professionals at Central Insurance Agency.

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