
Celebrating International Earth Day

International Earth Day

A Quick Guide To How To Celebrate The Day

Each year, the global community uses the Spring Equinox as an opportunity to celebrate International Earth Day. Use March 20th as a reminder of the importance of the earth and all of the different ways it serves us. To celebrate, here are a few ideas of ways to take care of our Earth.

  • Plant A Tree: Pick a tree that will flourish in your local climate, and plant it today. Planting a tree will help keep soil in place to avoid erosion and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Head to your local nursery to get advice about the best kind of tree to plant in your community and your climate.
  • Educate Yourself & Others: Take advantage of the day to learn more about the environmental issues that are most pressing in your city and how you can address them. Also, teach your friends and family that every day is Earth Day.
  • Reduce, Reuse Recycle: Look for ways you can reduce your waste. Invest in grocery bags that are reusable. Your small steps towards going green will add up to make a big difference, especially if you can encourage the people around you to also reduce their waste.
  • Get Clean, Chemical Free: Host a community event where people give just thirty minutes of their time to walk through your community and pick up litter. Then, when you head home to clean your house make sure you use cleaning agents that are free of harmful, toxic chemicals. Just make sure you properly dispose of any toxic cleaners.

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